Make Comedy Offensive Again

Make Comedy Offensive Again
A lot of comedians are being censored due to the special snowflake syndrome and we need to stop this madness. People are starting to understand that comedy censorship is happening and that it’s time to “Make comedy Offensive Again”.
I really needed this hat, so I created it.
About the Make Comedy Offensive Again hat:
I’ve created this hat as a way of free thought through communication, because, nowadays anything can be considered offensive and in that way, a lot of comedians are being censored, sometimes even by themselves.
As many have said and I subscribe, we should be able to distinguish jokes from real life as comedians are like jesters in a king’s court. “The jester was the only person who could tell the truth or bad news to the king that no one else would because he was beneath contempt…” Trickster figures emerge in times of crisis, they point out what no one wants to see, and they say things that no one will say, daring us to think.
Censoring comedians is a really dangerous thing, comedy is comedy.
We need to Make Comedy Offensive Again.
What is comedy censorship?
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or “inconvenient.” Censorship can be conducted by governments, private institutions, and other controlling bodies.
(Read more about the trouble in labeling “offensive comedy” here.)
comedians comedy hat Make Comedy Offensive Again Make Comedy Offensive Again hat makecomedyoffensiveagain offensive Offensive Comedy