Category: Health

Boost Your Brain Power with Onnit’s Alpha Brain: A Review of the Popular Nootropic Supplement

Alpha Brain: A Review of the Popular Nootropic Supplement

Onnit’s Alpha Brain is a popular nootropic supplement that is designed to enhance cognitive function, including memory, focus, and mental clarity. It is made with a blend of natural ingredients such as L-theanine, alpha GPC, and oat straw extract, which have been shown to have positive effects on brain health.

January 4, 2023 0
best supplements and workouts - New Year, Optimal Health: 7 Supplements and Workouts for 2023

New Year, Optimal Health: 7 Supplements and Workouts for 2023

Welcome to the new year! As we turn the page on another year, many of us make resolutions to improve our health and well-being. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, or simply feel your best, the right supplements and workouts can make a big difference. In this article, we’ll be sharing 7 top-rated supplements and workouts to help you achieve optimal health in 2023. These recommendations are based on the latest research and expert opinions, and are designed to help you reach your health goals safely and effectively. So if you’re ready to start off right, and keep your Health resolutions let’s get started!

January 1, 2023 0
does liquid iv work - liquid iv nutrition facts

Does Liquid IV work? Liquid IV Nutrition Facts

Liquid IV has got to be the most over-hyped health craze in recent history. You’ve seen it on social media, celebrities are talking about it, and your friends are all doing it – but is there any science behind this trend? Does Liquid IV really do anything?

August 27, 2021 0
Best Onnit Products and free trials - Joe Rogan Onnit. Alpha Brain, Kettlebells

Onnit’s Best Products and FREE trials

Now you have the chance to try Onnit’s most famous products for free.

Customers signing up will receive a free 7-Day Supply, and be sent the products for just the cost of shipping and handling. 

January 18, 2021 0
best supplements to boost immune system

5 Health Supplements You Probably Need Right Now

Winter is coming and seasonal flu and depression like to tag along…
Luckily science provides us with some answers to fight back. From the best health supplements to boost your immune system, to at-home health tests, there is plenty you can do to stay healthy and happy.

November 10, 2020 0

At Home Health Tests

Simple to use, reliable and with the best laboratory partners, home testing is the best and simplest way to anonymously get a quick analysis of your health.

October 28, 2020 0
what is 420

What is 420? | The Cannabis Holiday Explained

On April 20 – or 4/20 – marijuana advocates around the world gather to celebrate, in a variety of ways, the cannabis plant.
If you are not familiar with the term “420” as it is used in the marijuana culture, here’s a look at its origins and its meaning.

April 4, 2020 0
The best Urban Survival Skills courses online

Urban Survival Skills | Online Survival Courses

There is always a way to improve and be prepared for rougher times, here’s a list of online courses and books that can help you to survive them.

March 23, 2020 0
What to have in an emergency pantry kit

What to Have in an Emergency Pantry Kit + 1st Aid Kit & Basic Utensils

Viruses, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, major earthquakes, extreme blizzards, and other disasters could leave you trapped for several days. You and your family’s safety comes first, but if you’re able to stay in your house, you’ll need supplies, including food and water.

In case of lack of electricity, the food you already have in your refrigerator and freezer will keep cold for a day or two, but unless you have your own generator, you’ll need some things that don’t require electricity for storage or preparation. Plan ahead and keep an emergency food pantry stocked with healthy foods so you can feed your family until the disaster has passed.

February 27, 2020 0
CBD guide for beginners - What is CBD best CBD brands

CBD guide for beginners

What is CBD and how to take it. Best CBD brands and discount codes. A beginners guide to start your CBD journey.

February 6, 2020 0