Beyond the Rainbow | Making sense of the PC culture

Beyond the LGBT rainbow
What do Dave Rubin, Arielle Scarcella, Blaire White and Marcus Dib have in common?
-Common Sense.
Making sense of the PC culture from within the conservative LGBT “alphabet” community is a hard task, one that many deliberately avoid in order to belong and be accepted by various groups and communities.
But, the tables seem to be turning as society is getting tired of fake moralists and virtue signaling. So, despite being constantly harassed by a small (but loud) community that tries to deplatform, silence, and “cancel” them, Rubin, Scarcella, White, and Dib’s voices are getting louder as they dare to go beyond the rainbow.
In an era where “cancel culture”, censorship and deplatforming are a real threat, Dave Rubin, Arielle Scarcella, Blaire White, and Marcus Dib prove to us that not all rainbows look alike and how the supposedly most accepting communities can also be the most judgmental.
Get to know them:
Dave Rubin
As a gay married man living in America, Dave spent the majority of his adult life subscribing to a certain political belief system based on his immutable characteristics. Dave decided to open up about his awakening, for all to see and as a result, The Rubin Report was born. Dave feels that the modern left has lost its way and is taking political correctness and groupthink to a dangerous level, leading to a bad turn from the true American dream of the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.
The Rubin Report aims to create civil discourse with a chance for taboo subjects to be presented in an honest way.
How can you keep up with Dave Rubin:
- Dave Rubin’s Website
- Latest publishing “Don’t Burn This Book”
- Instagram: @RubinReport
- YouTube: The Rubin Report
- Twitter: @RubinReport
Arielle Scarcella
Arielle is known for having a strong influence on the LGBT community while incorporating her humorous nature into her videos. She regularly collaborates with many other LGBT YouTubers and covers various topics, from politics to relationships. Her videos focus on the much-discussed subjects of being a lesbian and her own experiences. Recently, Arielle announced, to the surprise of many, that she is “leaving the insane progressive left” and “coming out” as conservative, and this led to a number of LGBT outlets labeling her as a transphobe and male apologizer…
Where to find Arielle Scarcella:
- TikTok: @ArielleScarcella (trust me, it’s fun)
- Instagram: @Arielle_Scarcella
- YouTube: Arielle Scarcella
- Twitter: @ArielleScarcell
- Tim Pool’s interview with Arielle
Blaire White
Controversial and outspoken, Blaire White is a conservative YouTube personality, regular writer for The Post Millenial, political and social commentator on issues concerning Feminism, political correctness, LGBT Rights, and her own personal experiences.
Blaire started her YouTube channel in 2015 and she has been getting a lot of attention ever since, for instance, her second video “Male Victims Are Funny?” has amassed over one million views.
Blaire is not shy about protecting children from unreasonable early transition and thus strongly opposes the sexualization of children by the LGBT community, therefore creating controversy.
You can read articles by Blaire on The Post Millennial as she is a regular contributor.
Despite being transsexual, Blaire has often been labeled a transphobe… Quite ironic hã?
Keep up with Blaire White:
- Blaire White’s Patreon
- Latest articles on The Post Millennial
- Instagram: @MsBlaireWhite
- YouTube: Blaire White
- Twitter: @MsBlaireWhite
Marcus Dib
Relatively new to the social media world, Marcus AKA The Offensive Tranny is not afraid of being public about his views on the progressive left and showing you how he really feels, born in Denmark as a female, Marcus is proud to share his experience and thoughts on the whole transitioning process, including being shunned by members of the LGBT community for thinking differently and having divergent opinions.
Find and follow Marcus Dib:
- Instagram: @TheOffensiveTranny
- YouTube: The Offensive Tranny
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Arielle Scarcella Blaire White censorship Dave Rubin LGBTQ Marcus Dib